Overview ======== `pySecDec` consists of several modules that provide functions and classes for specific purposes. In this overview, we present only the most important aspects of selected modules. These are exactly the modules necessary to set up the algebraic computation of a Feynman loop integral requisite for the numerical evaluation. For detailed instruction of a specific function or class, please be referred to the :doc:`reference guide `. .. _algebra_intro: The Algebra Module ------------------ The `algebra` module implements a very basic computer algebra system. `pySecDec` uses both `sympy` and `numpy`. Although `sympy` in principle provides everything we need, it is way too slow for typical applications. That is because `sympy` is completely written in `python` without making use of any precompiled functions. `pySecDec`'s `algebra` module uses the in general faster `numpy` function wherever possible. .. _poly_intro: Polynomials ~~~~~~~~~~~ Since sector decomposition is an algorithm that acts on polynomials, we start with the key class :class:`Polynomial `. As the name suggests, the :class:`Polynomial ` class is a container for multivariate polynomials, i.e. functions of the form: .. math:: \sum_i C_i {\prod_j { x_{j}^{\alpha_{ij}} }} A multivariate polynomial is completely determined by its `coefficients` :math:`C_i` and the exponents :math:`\alpha_{ij}`. The :class:`Polynomial ` class stores these in two arrays: >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Polynomial >>> poly = Polynomial([[1,0], [0,2]], ['A', 'B']) >>> poly + (A)*x0 + (B)*x1**2 >>> poly.expolist array([[1, 0], [0, 2]]) >>> poly.coeffs array([A, B], dtype=object) It is also possible to instantiate the :class:`Polynomial ` by its algebraic representation: >>> poly2 = Polynomial.from_expression('A*x0 + B*x1**2', ['x0','x1']) >>> poly2 + (A)*x0 + (B)*x1**2 >>> poly2.expolist array([[1, 0], [0, 2]]) >>> poly2.coeffs array([A, B], dtype=object) Note that the second argument of :meth:`Polynomial.from_expression() ` defines the variables :math:`x_j`. Within the :class:`Polynomial ` class, basic operations are implemented: >>> poly + 1 + (1) + (B)*x1**2 + (A)*x0 >>> 2 * poly + (2*A)*x0 + (2*B)*x1**2 >>> poly + poly + (2*B)*x1**2 + (2*A)*x0 >>> poly * poly + (B**2)*x1**4 + (2*A*B)*x0*x1**2 + (A**2)*x0**2 >>> poly ** 2 + (B**2)*x1**4 + (2*A*B)*x0*x1**2 + (A**2)*x0**2 General Expressions ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In order to perform the :mod:`pySecDec.subtraction` and :mod:`pySecDec.expansion`, we have to introduce more complex algebraic constructs. General expressions can be entered in a straightforward way: >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Expression >>> log_of_x = Expression('log(x)', ['x']) >>> log_of_x log( + (1)*x) All expressions in the context of this `algebra` module are based on extending or combining the :class:`Polynomials ` introduced :ref:`above `. In the example above, ``log_of_x`` is a :class:`LogOfPolynomial `, which is a derived class from :class:`Polynomial `: >>> type(log_of_x) >>> isinstance(log_of_x, Polynomial) True >>> log_of_x.expolist array([[1]]) >>> log_of_x.coeffs array([1], dtype=object) We have seen an `extension` to the :class:`Polynomial ` class, now let us consider a `combination`: >>> more_complex_expression = log_of_x * log_of_x >>> more_complex_expression (log( + (1)*x)) * (log( + (1)*x)) We just introduced the :class:`Product ` of two :class:`LogOfPolynomials `: >>> type(more_complex_expression) As suggested before, the :class:`Product ` combines two :class:`Polynomials `. They are accessible through the ``factors``: >>> more_complex_expression.factors[0] log( + (1)*x) >>> more_complex_expression.factors[1] log( + (1)*x) >>> type(more_complex_expression.factors[0]) >>> type(more_complex_expression.factors[1]) .. important :: When working with this `algebra` module, it is important to understand that **everything** is based on the class :class:`Polynomial `. To emphasize the importance of the above statement, consider the following code: >>> expression1 = Expression('x*y', ['x', 'y']) >>> expression2 = Expression('x*y', ['x']) >>> type(expression1) >>> type(expression2) >>> expression1 + (1)*x*y >>> expression2 + (y)*x Although ``expression1`` and ``expression2`` are mathematically identical, they are treated differently by the `algebra` module. In ``expression1``, both, ``x`` and ``y``, are considered as variables of the :class:`Polynomial `. In contrast, ``y`` is treated as `coefficient` in ``expression2``: >>> expression1.expolist array([[1, 1]]) >>> expression1.coeffs array([1], dtype=object) >>> expression2.expolist array([[1]]) >>> expression2.coeffs array([y], dtype=object) The second argument of the function :func:`Expression ` controls how the variables are distributed among the coefficients and the variables in the underlying :class:`Polynomials `. Keep that in mind in order to avoid confusion. One can always check which symbols are considered as variables by asking for the ``symbols``: >>> expression1.symbols [x, y] >>> expression2.symbols [x] .. _loop_integral: Feynman Parametrization of Loop Integrals ----------------------------------------- The primary purpose of `pySecDec` is the numerical calculation of loop integrals as they arise in fixed order calculations in quantum field theories. In the first step of our approach, the loop integral is converted from the momentum representation to the Feynman parameter representation. .. TODO: give a reference The module :mod:`pySecDec.loop_integral` implements exactly that conversion. The most basic use is to calculate the first and the second Symanzik polynomial ``U`` and ``F``, respectively, from the propagators of a loop integral. .. TODO: include Feynman diagrams? .. _one-loop-bubble: One Loop Bubble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To calculate ``U`` and ``F`` of the one loop bubble, type the following commands: >>> from pySecDec.loop_integral import LoopIntegralFromPropagators >>> propagators = ['k**2', '(k - p)**2'] >>> loop_momenta = ['k'] >>> one_loop_bubble = LoopIntegralFromPropagators(propagators, loop_momenta) >>> one_loop_bubble.U + (1)*x0 + (1)*x1 >>> one_loop_bubble.F + (-p**2)*x0*x1 The example above among other useful features is also stated in the full documenation of :class:`LoopIntegralFromPropagators() ` in the reference guide. Two Loop Planar Box with Numerator ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Consider the propagators of the two loop planar box: >>> propagators = ['k1**2','(k1+p2)**2', ... '(k1-p1)**2','(k1-k2)**2', ... '(k2+p2)**2','(k2-p1)**2', ... '(k2+p2+p3)**2'] >>> loop_momenta = ['k1','k2'] We could now instantiate the :class:`LoopIntegral ` just like :ref:`before `. However, let us consider an additional numerator: >>> numerator = 'k1(mu)*k1(mu) + 2*k1(mu)*p3(mu) + p3(mu)*p3(mu)' # (k1 + p3) ** 2 In order to unambiguously define the loop integral, we must state which symbols denote the ``Lorentz_indices`` (just ``mu`` in this case here) and the ``external_momenta``: >>> external_momenta = ['p1','p2','p3','p4'] >>> Lorentz_indices=['mu'] With that, we can Feynman parametrize the two loop box with a numerator: >>> box = LoopIntegralFromPropagators(propagators, loop_momenta, external_momenta, ... numerator=numerator, Lorentz_indices=Lorentz_indices) >>> box.U + (1)*x3*x6 + (1)*x3*x5 + (1)*x3*x4 + (1)*x2*x6 + (1)*x2*x5 + (1)*x2*x4 + (1)*x2*x3 + (1)*x1*x6 + (1)*x1*x5 + (1)*x1*x4 + (1)*x1*x3 + (1)*x0*x6 + (1)*x0*x5 + (1)*x0*x4 + (1)*x0*x3 >>> box.F + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - 2*p1*p3 - p2**2 - 2*p2*p3 - p3**2)*x3*x5*x6 + (-p3**2)*x3*x4*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x3*x4*x5 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - 2*p1*p3 - p2**2 - 2*p2*p3 - p3**2)*x2*x5*x6 + (-p3**2)*x2*x4*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x2*x4*x5 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - 2*p1*p3 - p2**2 - 2*p2*p3 - p3**2)*x2*x3*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x2*x3*x4 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - 2*p1*p3 - p2**2 - 2*p2*p3 - p3**2)*x1*x5*x6 + (-p3**2)*x1*x4*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x1*x4*x5 + (-p3**2)*x1*x3*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x1*x3*x5 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x1*x2*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x1*x2*x5 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x1*x2*x4 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x1*x2*x3 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - 2*p1*p3 - p2**2 - 2*p2*p3 - p3**2)*x0*x5*x6 + (-p3**2)*x0*x4*x6 + (-p1**2 - 2*p1*p2 - p2**2)*x0*x4*x5 + (-p2**2 - 2*p2*p3 - p3**2)*x0*x3*x6 + (-p1**2)*x0*x3*x5 + (-p2**2)*x0*x3*x4 + (-p1**2)*x0*x2*x6 + (-p1**2)*x0*x2*x5 + (-p1**2)*x0*x2*x4 + (-p1**2)*x0*x2*x3 + (-p2**2)*x0*x1*x6 + (-p2**2)*x0*x1*x5 + (-p2**2)*x0*x1*x4 + (-p2**2)*x0*x1*x3 >>> box.numerator + (-2*eps*p3(mu)**2 - 2*p3(mu)**2)*U**2 + (-eps + 2)*x6*F + (-eps + 2)*x5*F + (-eps + 2)*x4*F + (-eps + 2)*x3*F + (4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*eps*p3(mu)**2 + 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p3(mu)**2)*x3*x6*U + (-4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x3*x5*U + (4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x3*x4*U + (-2*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) - 2*eps*p3(mu)**2 - 2*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu) - 2*p3(mu)**2)*x3**2*x6**2 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x3**2*x5*x6 + (-2*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 2*p1(mu)**2)*x3**2*x5**2 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x3**2*x4*x6 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x3**2*x4*x5 + (-2*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 2*p2(mu)**2)*x3**2*x4**2 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x6*U + (-4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x5*U + (-4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x4*U + (-4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x3*U + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x3*x6**2 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p1(mu)**2 + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x3*x5*x6 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2*x3*x5**2 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x3*x4*x6 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) - 4*p1(mu)**2 + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x2*x3*x4*x5 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x2*x3*x4**2 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*eps*p1(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p3(mu))*x2*x3**2*x6 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2*x3**2*x5 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x2*x3**2*x4 + (-2*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 2*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x6**2 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x5*x6 + (-2*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 2*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x5**2 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x4*x6 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x4*x5 + (-2*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 2*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x4**2 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x3*x6 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x3*x5 + (-4*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 4*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x3*x4 + (-2*eps*p1(mu)**2 - 2*p1(mu)**2)*x2**2*x3**2 + (4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x6*U + (4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x5*U + (4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x4*U + (4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x3*U + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x3*x6**2 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) - 4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu) - 4*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x3*x5*x6 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x3*x5**2 + (-8*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) - 8*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x3*x4*x6 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) - 4*eps*p2(mu)**2 + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu) - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1*x3*x4*x5 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1*x3*x4**2 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*eps*p2(mu)*p3(mu) - 4*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)*p3(mu))*x1*x3**2*x6 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x3**2*x5 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1*x3**2*x4 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x6**2 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x5*x6 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x5**2 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x4*x6 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x4*x5 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x4**2 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x3*x6 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x3*x5 + (8*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 8*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x3*x4 + (4*eps*p1(mu)*p2(mu) + 4*p1(mu)*p2(mu))*x1*x2*x3**2 + (-2*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 2*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x6**2 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x5*x6 + (-2*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 2*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x5**2 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x4*x6 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x4*x5 + (-2*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 2*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x4**2 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x3*x6 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x3*x5 + (-4*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 4*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x3*x4 + (-2*eps*p2(mu)**2 - 2*p2(mu)**2)*x1**2*x3**2 We can also generate the output in terms of Mandelstam invariants: >>> replacement_rules = [ ... ('p1*p1', 0), ... ('p2*p2', 0), ... ('p3*p3', 0), ... ('p4*p4', 0), ... ('p1*p2', 's/2'), ... ('p2*p3', 't/2'), ... ('p1*p3', '-s/2-t/2') ... ] >>> box = LoopIntegralFromPropagators(propagators, loop_momenta, external_momenta, ... numerator=numerator, Lorentz_indices=Lorentz_indices, ... replacement_rules=replacement_rules) >>> box.U + (1)*x3*x6 + (1)*x3*x5 + (1)*x3*x4 + (1)*x2*x6 + (1)*x2*x5 + (1)*x2*x4 + (1)*x2*x3 + (1)*x1*x6 + (1)*x1*x5 + (1)*x1*x4 + (1)*x1*x3 + (1)*x0*x6 + (1)*x0*x5 + (1)*x0*x4 + (1)*x0*x3 >>> box.F + (-s)*x3*x4*x5 + (-s)*x2*x4*x5 + (-s)*x2*x3*x4 + (-s)*x1*x4*x5 + (-s)*x1*x3*x5 + (-s)*x1*x2*x6 + (-s)*x1*x2*x5 + (-s)*x1*x2*x4 + (-s)*x1*x2*x3 + (-s)*x0*x4*x5 + (-t)*x0*x3*x6 >>> box.numerator + (-eps + 2)*x6*F + (-eps + 2)*x5*F + (-eps + 2)*x4*F + (-eps + 2)*x3*F + (2*eps*t + 2*t)*x3*x6*U + (-4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) + 2*s + 2*t)*x3*x5*U + (2*eps*t + 2*t)*x3*x4*U + (-2*eps*t - 2*t)*x3**2*x6**2 + (2*eps*s + 4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) - 2*t)*x3**2*x5*x6 + (-2*eps*t - 2*t)*x3**2*x4*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x3**2*x4*x5 + (-4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) + 2*s + 2*t)*x2*x6*U + (-4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) + 2*s + 2*t)*x2*x5*U + (-4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) + 2*s + 2*t)*x2*x4*U + (-4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) + 2*s + 2*t)*x2*x3*U + (2*eps*s + 4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) - 2*t)*x2*x3*x6**2 + (2*eps*s + 4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) - 2*t)*x2*x3*x5*x6 + (4*eps*s + 4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) + 2*s - 2*t)*x2*x3*x4*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x2*x3*x4*x5 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x2*x3*x4**2 + (2*eps*s + 4*eps*(-s/2 - t/2) - 2*t)*x2*x3**2*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x2*x3**2*x4 + (2*eps*t + 2*t)*x1*x6*U + (2*eps*t + 2*t)*x1*x5*U + (2*eps*t + 2*t)*x1*x4*U + (2*eps*t + 2*t)*x1*x3*U + (-2*eps*t - 2*t)*x1*x3*x6**2 + (2*eps*s - 2*eps*t + 2*s - 2*t)*x1*x3*x5*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x3*x5**2 + (-2*eps*t - 2*t)*x1*x3*x4*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x3*x4*x5 + (-2*eps*t - 2*t)*x1*x3**2*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x3**2*x5 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x2*x6**2 + (4*eps*s + 4*s)*x1*x2*x5*x6 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x2*x5**2 + (4*eps*s + 4*s)*x1*x2*x4*x6 + (4*eps*s + 4*s)*x1*x2*x4*x5 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x2*x4**2 + (4*eps*s + 4*s)*x1*x2*x3*x6 + (4*eps*s + 4*s)*x1*x2*x3*x5 + (4*eps*s + 4*s)*x1*x2*x3*x4 + (2*eps*s + 2*s)*x1*x2*x3**2 Sector Decomposition -------------------- The sector decomposition algorithm aims to factorize the polynomials :math:`P_i` as products of a monomial and a polynomial with nonzero constant term: .. math:: P_i( \{x_j\} ) \longmapsto \prod_j x_j^{\alpha_j} \left( const + p_i(\{ x_j \}) \right). Factorizing polynomials in that way by expoliting integral transformations is the first step in an algorithm for solving dimensionally regulated integrals of the form .. math:: \int_0^1 \prod_{i,j} P_i(\{ x_j \})^{\beta_i} ~ dx_j. The iterative sector decomposition splits the integral and remaps the integration domain until all polynomials :math:`P_i` in all arising integrals (called `sectors`) have the desired form :math:`const + polynomial`. An introduction to the sector decomposition approach can be found in [Hei08]_. To demonstrate the :mod:`pySecDec.decomposition` module, we decompose the polynomials >>> p1 = Polynomial.from_expression('x + A*y', ['x','y','z']) >>> p2 = Polynomial.from_expression('x + B*y*z', ['x','y','z']) Let us first focus on the iterative decomposition of ``p1``. In the `pySecDec` framework, we first have to pack ``p1`` into a :class:`Sector `: >>> from pySecDec.decomposition import Sector >>> initial_sector = Sector([p1]) >>> print(initial_sector) Sector: Jacobian= + (1) cast=[( + (1)) * ( + (1)*x + (A)*y)] other=[] We can now run the iterative decomposition and take a look at the decomposed sectors: .. code:: python >>> from pySecDec.decomposition.iterative import iterative_decomposition >>> decomposed_sectors = iterative_decomposition(initial_sector) >>> for sector in decomposed_sectors: ... print(sector) ... print('\n') ... Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*x cast=[( + (1)*x) * ( + (1) + (A)*y)] other=[] Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*y cast=[( + (1)*y) * ( + (1)*x + (A))] other=[] The decomposition of ``p2`` needs two iterations and yields three sectors: .. code:: python >>> initial_sector = Sector([p2]) >>> decomposed_sectors = iterative_decomposition(initial_sector) >>> for sector in decomposed_sectors: ... print(sector) ... print('\n') ... Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*x cast=[( + (1)*x) * ( + (1) + (B)*y*z)] other=[] Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*x*y cast=[( + (1)*x*y) * ( + (1) + (B)*z)] other=[] Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*y*z cast=[( + (1)*y*z) * ( + (1)*x + (B))] other=[] Note that we declared ``z`` as a variable for sector ``p1`` evne though it does not depend on it. This declaration is necessary if we want to simultaneously decompose ``p1`` and ``p2``: .. code:: python >>> initial_sector = Sector([p1, p2]) >>> decomposed_sectors = iterative_decomposition(initial_sector) >>> for sector in decomposed_sectors: ... print(sector) ... print('\n') ... Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*x cast=[( + (1)*x) * ( + (1) + (A)*y), ( + (1)*x) * ( + (1) + (B)*y*z)] other=[] Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*x*y cast=[( + (1)*y) * ( + (1)*x + (A)), ( + (1)*x*y) * ( + (1) + (B)*z)] other=[] Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*y*z cast=[( + (1)*y) * ( + (1)*x*z + (A)), ( + (1)*y*z) * ( + (1)*x + (B))] other=[] We just fully decomposed ``p1`` and ``p2``. In some cases, one may want to bring one polynomial, say ``p1``, into standard form, but not neccessarily the other. For that purpose, the :class:`Sector ` can take a second argument. In the following code example, we bring ``p1`` into standard form, apply all transformations to ``p2`` as well, but stop before ``p2`` is fully decomposed: .. code:: python >>> initial_sector = Sector([p1], [p2]) >>> decomposed_sectors = iterative_decomposition(initial_sector) >>> for sector in decomposed_sectors: ... print(sector) ... print('\n') ... Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*x cast=[( + (1)*x) * ( + (1) + (A)*y)] other=[ + (1)*x + (B)*x*y*z] Sector: Jacobian= + (1)*y cast=[( + (1)*y) * ( + (1)*x + (A))] other=[ + (1)*x*y + (B)*y*z] Subtraction ----------- In the subtraction, we want to perform those integrations that lead to :math:`\epsilon` divergencies. The master formula for one integration variables is .. math:: \int_0^1 {x^{(a - b \epsilon)} \mathcal{I} (x, \epsilon) dx} = \sum_{p=0}^{|a|-1} { \frac{1}{a + p + 1 - b \epsilon} \frac{\mathcal{I}^{(p)} (0, \epsilon)}{p!} + \int_0^1 { x^{(a - b \epsilon)} R(x, \epsilon) dx } } where :math:`\mathcal{I}^{(p)}` is denotes the p-th derivative of :math:`\mathcal{I}` with respect to :math:`x`. The equation above effectively defines the remainder term :math:`R`. All terms on the right hand side of the equation above are constructed to be free of divergencies. For more details and the generalization to multiple variables, we refer the reader to [Hei08]_. In the following, we show how to use the implementation in `pySecDec`. To initialize the subtraction, we first define a factorized expression of the form :math:`x^{(-1 - b_x \epsilon)} y^{(-2 - b_y \epsilon)} \mathcal{I} (x, y, \epsilon)`: >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Expression >>> symbols = ['x','y','eps'] >>> x_monomial = Expression('x**(-1 - b_x*eps)', symbols) >>> y_monomial = Expression('y**(-2 - b_y*eps)', symbols) >>> cal_I = Expression('cal_I(x, y, eps)', symbols) We must pack the monomials into a :class:`pySecDec.algebra.Product`: >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Product >>> monomials = Product(x_monomial, y_monomial) Although this seems to be to complete input according to the equation above, we are still missing a structure to store poles in. The function :func:`pySecDec.subtraction.integrate_pole_part` is designed to return an iterable of the same type as the input. That is particularly important since the output of the subtraction of one variable is the input for the subtraction of the next variable. We will see this iteration later. Initially, we do not have poles yet, therefore we define a `one` of the required type: >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Pow >>> import numpy as np >>> polynomial_one = Polynomial(np.zeros([1,len(symbols)], dtype=int), np.array([1]), symbols, copy=False) >>> pole_part_initializer = Pow(polynomial_one, -polynomial_one) ``pole_part_initializer`` is of type :class:`pySecDec.algebra.Pow` and has ``-polynomial_one`` in the exponent. We initialize the `base` with ``polynomial_one``; i.e. a one packed into a polynomial. The function :func:`pySecDec.subtraction.integrate_pole_part` populates the `base` with factors of :math:`b\epsilon` when poles arise. We are now ready to build the ``subtraction_initializer`` - the :class:`pySecDec.algebra.Product` to be passed into :func:`pySecDec.subtraction.integrate_pole_part`. >>> from pySecDec.subtraction import integrate_pole_part >>> subtraction_initializer = Product(monomials, pole_part_initializer, cal_I) >>> x_subtracted = integrate_pole_part(subtraction_initializer, 0) The second argument of :func:`pySecDec.subtraction.integrate_pole_part` specifies to which variable we want to apply the master formula, here we choose :math:`x`. First, remember that the x monomial is a dimensionally regulated :math:`x^-1`. Therefore, the sum collapses to only one term and we have two terms in total. Each term corresponds to one entry in the list ``x_subtracted``: >>> len(x_subtracted) 2 ``x_subtracted`` has the same structure as our input. The first factor of each term stores the remaining monomials: >>> x_subtracted[0].factors[0] (( + (1))**( + (-b_x)*eps + (-1))) * (( + (1)*y)**( + (-b_y)*eps + (-2))) >>> x_subtracted[1].factors[0] (( + (1)*x)**( + (-b_x)*eps + (-1))) * (( + (1)*y)**( + (-b_y)*eps + (-2))) The second factor stores the :math:`\epsilon` poles. There is an epsilon pole in the first term, but still none in the second: >>> x_subtracted[0].factors[1] ( + (-b_x)*eps) ** ( + (-1)) >>> x_subtracted[1].factors[1] ( + (1)) ** ( + (-1)) The last factor catches everything that is not covered by the first two fields: >>> x_subtracted[0].factors[2] (cal_I( + (0), + (1)*y, + (1)*eps)) >>> x_subtracted[1].factors[2] (cal_I( + (1)*x, + (1)*y, + (1)*eps)) + (( + (-1)) * (cal_I( + (0), + (1)*y, + (1)*eps))) We have now performed the subtraction for :math:`x`. Because in and output have a similar structure, we can easily perform the subtraction for :math:`y` as well: .. code:: python >>> x_and_y_subtracted = [] >>> for s in x_subtracted: ... x_and_y_subtracted.extend( integrate_pole_part(s,1) ) Alternatively, we can directly instruct :func:`pySecDec.subtraction.integrate_pole_part` to perform both subtractions: >>> alternative_x_and_y_subtracted = integrate_pole_part(subtraction_initializer,0,1) In both cases, the result is a list of the terms appearing on the right hand side of the master equation. Expansion --------- The purpose of the :mod:`expansion ` module is, as the name suggests, to provide routines to perform a series expansion. The module basically implements two routines - the Taylor expansion (:func:`pySecDec.expansion.expand_Taylor`) and an expansion of polyrational functions supporting singularities in the expansion variable (:func:`pySecDec.expansion.expand_singular`). .. _Taylor_intro: Taylor expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The function :func:`pySecDec.expansion.expand_Taylor` implements the ordinary Taylor expansion. It takes an algebraic expression (in the sense of the :ref:`algebra module `, the index of the expansion variable and the order to which the expression shall be expanded: >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Expression >>> from pySecDec.expansion import expand_Taylor >>> expression = Expression('x**eps', ['eps']) >>> expand_Taylor(expression, 0, 2).simplify() + (1) + (log( + (x)))*eps + ((log( + (x))) * (log( + (x))) * ( + (1/2)))*eps**2 It is also possible to expand an expression in multiple variables simultaneously: >>> expression = Expression('x**(eps + alpha)', ['eps', 'alpha']) >>> expand_Taylor(expression, [0,1], [2,0]).simplify() + (1) + (log( + (x)))*eps + ((log( + (x))) * (log( + (x))) * ( + (1/2)))*eps**2 The command above instructs :func:`pySecDec.expansion.expand_Taylor` to expand the ``expression`` to the second order in the variable indexed ``0`` (``eps``) and to the zeroth order in the variable indexed ``1`` (``alpha``). Laurent Expansion ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :func:`pySecDec.expansion.expand_singular` Laurent expands polyrational functions. Its input is more restrictive than for the :ref:`Taylor expansion `. It expects a :class:`Product ` where the factors are either :class:`Polynomials ` or :class:`ExponentiatedPolynomials ` with ``exponent = -1``: >>> from pySecDec.expansion import expand_singular >>> expression = Expression('1/(eps + alpha)', ['eps', 'alpha']).simplify() >>> expand_singular(expression, 0, 1) Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in File "/home/pcl340a/sjahn/Projects/pySecDec/pySecDec/expansion.py", line 241, in expand_singular return _expand_and_flatten(product, indices, orders, _expand_singular_step) File "/home/pcl340a/sjahn/Projects/pySecDec/pySecDec/expansion.py", line 209, in _expand_and_flatten expansion = recursive_expansion(expression, indices, orders) File "/home/pcl340a/sjahn/Projects/pySecDec/pySecDec/expansion.py", line 198, in recursive_expansion expansion = expansion_one_variable(expression, index, order) File "/home/pcl340a/sjahn/Projects/pySecDec/pySecDec/expansion.py", line 82, in _expand_singular_step raise TypeError('`product` must be a `Product`') TypeError: `product` must be a `Product` >>> expression # ``expression`` is indeed a polyrational function. ( + (1)*alpha + (1)*eps)**(-1) >>> type(expression) # It is just not packed in a ``Product`` as ``expand_singular`` expects. >>> from pySecDec.algebra import Product >>> expression = Product(expression) >>> expand_singular(expression, 0, 1) + (( + (1)) * (( + (1)*alpha)**(-1))) + (( + (-1)) * (( + (1)*alpha**2)**(-1)))*eps Like in the :ref:`Taylor expansion `, we can expand simultaneously in multiple parameters. Note, however, that the result of the Laurent expansion depends on the ordering of the expansion variables. The second argument of :func:`pySecDec.expansion.expand_singular` determines the order of the expansion: >>> expression = Expression('1/(2*eps) * 1/(eps + alpha)', ['eps', 'alpha']).simplify() >>> eps_first = expand_singular(expression, [0,1], [1,1]) >>> eps_first + (( + (1/2)) * (( + (1))**(-1)))*eps**-1*alpha**-1 + (( + (-1/2)) * (( + (1))**(-1)))*alpha**-2 + (( + (1)) * (( + (2))**(-1)))*eps*alpha**-3 >>> alpha_first = expand_singular(expression, [1,0], [1,1]) >>> alpha_first + (( + (1/2)) * (( + (1))**(-1)))*eps**-2 + (( + (-1/2)) * (( + (1))**(-1)))*eps**-3*alpha The expression printed out by our algebra module are quite messy. In order to obtain nicer output, we can convert these expressions to the slower but more high level `sympy`: >>> import sympy as sp >>> eps_first = expand_singular(expression, [0,1], [1,1]) >>> alpha_first = expand_singular(expression, [1,0], [1,1]) >>> sp.sympify(eps_first) 1/(2*alpha*eps) - 1/(2*alpha**2) + eps/(2*alpha**3) >>> sp.sympify(alpha_first) -alpha/(2*eps**3) + 1/(2*eps**2)